- There are approximately 700,000 physicians practicing in the United States today.
- Estimates of the current number of practicing dermatologists (excluding residents and fellows) range from 8,050 to 8,500, or approximately 1.2 percent of practicing physicians.
- The American Board of Dermatology estimates that there are 550 to 575 certified dermatologists currently practicing in Florida.
- Dermatologists must take a recertification exam every 10 years given by the American Board of Dermatology in order to remain accredited by the Board to practice.
- The most common procedures performed by dermatologists are:
- Skin biopsies aid in determining whether a suspicious skin lesion is cancerous.
- Additionally, we are skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant growths, including excision and cosmetic repair.
- Cryotherapy is a treatment in which liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide or other freezing agents are used to remove benign skin lesions such as warts.
- PUVA treatments are a combination of psoralen and ultraviolet radiation used to treat more serious skin conditions. Psoralen is a drug administered orally before the skin disease is exposed to ultraviolet radiation to make the skin more receptive to the radiation's effects.
- Although managed care systems encourage the use of dermatologists, members of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) are less likely to visit dermatologists for skin care than are patients with commercial insurance. HMO members often visit general physicians for skin care. This may be attributed to a lack of awareness among HMO members that direct access to dermatologists exists through many health insurance plans.
- Dermatologists practicing in areas of higher population are more likely to have shorter waiting times for new patient appointments and are more likely to include cosmetic dermatology in their practices than dermatologist practicing in areas with smaller populations.
- Dermatologists can also perform a number of cosmetic procedures designed to rejuvenate skin, reduce the appearance of scars and diminish unpleasant features.