Dermatology PAC of Florida

The Dermatology PAC of Florida is an entity separate from the FSDDS and works to be a strong advocate for the dermatology profession in Florida by helping to support the election of candidates for state office, primarily the state House of Representatives and the State Senate.

The mission of the Dermatology PAC of Florida is to help maintain and strengthen political support for legislative issues facing dermatologists and their patients in Florida. We seek to support candidates who either have demonstrated through votes in the legislature or by their statements that they agree with our concerns about protecting the quality of medical and surgical dermatology care in Florida.

Financial Support from Dermatologists

The Dermatology PAC of Florida is funded through contributions of dermatologists throughout the state. Dermatologists, we need your DONATIONS! Submit your contributions today... any amount will be greatly appreciated!

CLICK HERE if you want to help the Dermatology PAC of Florida identify and assist candidates who support DERMATOLOGY in the state of Florida! Regardless of membership, any person can donate to the PAC. Please note, when you click to register, you will be listed as an "attendee." This is only for processing purposes and will not be used to register you for an event.

* Under present law, no deduction is allowed for any amount paid for participation in, or intervention in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office. Personal and/or business contributions are permitted. *

Contribution Levels

  • Diamond - $5000
  • Platinum - $2500
  • 1K Club - $1000

PAC Chair

Amy Derick, MD - for questions regarding the PAC, please contact